Why It's So Important To Find Your Tribe

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It’s Friday night.

You went to work, worked out, and now you’re at home while your friends are all out partying.

You could have gone with them. They invited you, after all, but the thought of spending another Friday night at the bar suddenly seems like a waste of time.

It’s not that you don’t want to be social, you just don’t fit into “the scene” anymore. Suddenly, those late nights of alcohol induced dancing and screaming small talk with strangers over the DJ have felt more exhausting than anything else.

Plus, recovering the next day is getting old FAST.

That’s part of growing up, and it’s a good thing, but it also means it’s time to find your tribe.

At your core, you are just energy. It can be manipulated and transferred, but we don’t think about our energy and how it relates to your life.

What you spend your time doing and who you’re doing it with have a HUGE impact on the life you create. Your energy takes on the energy of your actions and, even if your current friends are good people, it’s important to notice if they’re moving forward with you.

“You become like the five people you spend the most time with. Choose carefully.”                 — Jim Rohn

Finding your tribe means meeting other people who think like you. It’s a group that you belong to that’s filled with like minded connections that energize and inspire you.

So, why is it SO important to connect with these people?

When you’re growing, mentally, physically, and emotionally, you start to crave connections with people who will support you through those changes.

People who understand what you’re going through and are on a similar path.

People who just get it.

It’s important to connect with your tribe because, when you find those people, you start shifting your energy into the person you want to become.

The crave for change means you’re ready to take a step towards the life you want to live and anything that prevents you from that starts to feel like a waste.

Finding your tribe positions you for success. It puts you in the space to connect with people and opportunities that can help you level up to the health, happiness, and success you desire.

“Surround yourself with people who make you happy. People who make you laugh, who help you when you’re in need. People who genuinely care. They are the ones worth keeping in your life. Everyone else is just passing through.”                                                                                    — Karl Marx

When your Friday nights are filled with activites that feel fun, productive, and soul fulfilling, your energy changes. You don’t hesitate to talk about ideas that feel exciting or get teased for self care that you need to pay attention to.

You are free to be the person you are because you’ve surrounded yourself with people who will love, respect, and probably admire you for it!

You don’t have to cut out old friends, but if you’re feeling stuck, consider making time for new people, new adventures, and new opportunities.

Your tribe awaits. Are you ready to shift your energy?

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