Why I Teach Mindset Over Diet & Exercise

I've been on some sort of diet (or cheating on said diet) since I was eight years old. 

After 17 years of yo-yo dieting, in one night, I made a shift that changed everything. It didn't come from diet, exercise, or even willpower.

It came from 3 little words

This is one of those memories that I can't forget, it's branded on my mind and I fall back on it whenever I need a reminder of why I do all this work. 

It'd been just about a month since I collapsed, kicking off my third major MS flare. I was still struggling to walk and just getting to the bathroom and back felt like a marathon. Half of my body was numb and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get my right hand to cooperate. 

I was tired. Physically, mentally, and spiritually drained. 

I was tired of fighting my body. Of trying to change it. Of berating myself for every time I failed. 

That night, I was laying on the couch with the lights off. I'd been there for a few hours. I had no where else to go and I liked watching the light in my apartment slowly dim as the sun set outside. 

Once it was completely dark, I started thinking about an article I'd read about self love. It said you should look in the mirror and tell yourself.

I always knew I loved myself, I didn't think I had to say it, but I thought about how it would feel if my family, friends, or lover never expressed their feelings in words and my heart sunk. 

 I would absolutely HATE that. 

So I pulled myself up, grabbed my cane, and slowly moved toward the bathroom. 

I put my cane down and leaned against the sink. I couldn't keep myself up for long and my fatigue was already kicking in. I looked in the mirror and said "I love you" and the strangest thing happened... I couldn't make eye contact. 

It seemed ridiculous. So I tried again. And then again. Finally I forced myself to make eye contact and in that moment, I could see everything. 

The pain. The anger. The guilt. The shame. The frustration. The sadness.  It all poured out of my eyes, followed by a stream of tears.

I apologized, begged for forgiveness, and promised myself that I would put my healing first. I would put my feelings, needs, and health first.

Finally, I said I love you one more time and promised to do whatever I needed to do to get myself to believe it. 

For the last 4 years, I've been building a new relationship of love, trust, and connection with myself. In turn, the weight loss came off as a happy side effect. 

Doing things like this can seem awkward or even pointless, at least that's what I thought, but it wasn't the action of saying "I love you" that changed the game. It was just the key that opened the door to a vulnerable understanding that what I was doing wasn't working. 

No diet plan or exercise routine could take me on this journey, it was all about my shift in mindset and that's what I hope to help other people unlock as well.

You have the key to success within you, you just have to be ready to open the door. 

How To Work With Your Heart Rate

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